Saturday, January 13


2 weeks until the big run... so time to taper. the main crew was doing 12 today; since mtn mist isn't necessarily my goal race (or rather event, as i'm not exactly racing these runs yet), i decided to join michelle, k-man & kelly for a bit extra, bringing our mileage to around 19. some days you have it, some days you don't. once we finished the main loop (pott point, up in prentice cooper) and the hefty crew of 12 or so runners ended their run, my legs just did not join me for the last 3. after lunch at mojo burrito, i showered and tried to take a nap, but sometimes your legs just feel too much. and all i could do was lay there and feel them. restless. lactic acid just swirling around. lovely. so i've been sitting in Stone Cup "working", enjoying some good coffee (caffeine not taking effect though), a delish raspberry white chocolate scone (i deserve a treat after 4.5 hrs of running, right??), and watching an amazing sunset. wish i had the camera.

next weekend i think the plan is around 10-12 miles. i think this week will be relatively normal, except for the fact i have a buttload of work that needs to get accomplished (more late nights). Next week though i need to be super nice to my body. good food, long sleeps (ok, 8 hrs a night would make me quite happy. sad to say.) and then off to huntsville! what will be interesting is the recovery.... i will indulge in a massage & many epson baths.. need to get in 10 the next weekend i think. then ramp up for another week (although i'll be in colorado, so we'll see how the running goes in snow!), then a taper weekend of 10ish, then the big run: the Mt Mitchell (40-mile) Challenge. (oh, then my AR debut of the season the very next weekend - the YMCA Goldrush. Yikes!)

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