Wednesday, January 10

procrastinating and possum creek gorge

the two only relate at this moment.. when i should be either working or going to bed, and instead i am "wasting" time looking at pics from recent trainings and thinking about how much i haven't posted on here lately. so here is a quick note:

last sunday was our last long run before our upcoming race. we did 27 miles on the Possum Creek Gorge segment of the Cumberland Trail. this is a 13.5 mile segment that is absolutely gorgeous, even in the drizzling foggy rainy cool weather (which seems to be perfect training for "mountain mist"!) the approx 4000' of elevation gain should be good practice as well :)

i don't have the pics up yet, but here are a few. we had 3 big creek crossings (which meant 6 since it was there-and-back) - coooold water! the waterfall (coined "Immodium Falls" by creek boaters) was gorgeous with a deep pool that is calling our name for the summer swimming hole running series :) the last pic isn't a bad shot - it really was that foggy!

sergio & kevin



billy, sergio, dreama, trey

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