Monday, July 24

into the great wide open

blue water known as the tennessee river. i figured since i signed up for an xterra coming up in 2 weeks, i should get in the water - the last time i really swam (ie, not in an adventure race wearing my pfd and a 15-20lb pack), was in the gulf coast half ironman last may (yup, something like 15 months ago). so the opportunity arose to join a group that swims down river about 1.5miles. i thought sure, why not? i wasn't sure if i could do it, but hoped i'd survive. (and if not, there were kayakers there to save me). well, despite water so cloudy i couldn't see an extended hand and occasional smells that were really too fishy, i did it. it felt pretty good and i was able to relax and settle into my stroke ok too. i definitely need a ton of practice before i look ok doing it (i'm sure it's a bit of a sloppy stroke), but i survived and know that i'll be able to get through the race.

now to get the rest of that icky water out of my ears & nose!


Anonymous Goble said...

Gross. I bet you miss the hooch.

2:32 PM  

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