Friday, June 23

getting settled!

Well the move is nearly complete (a few straggling items left in Atl to bring up this weekend) and my organization not too far off. I have a few boxes still left to put away, dependent upon the rearranging of some furniture in my living room (that is a two person job, which isn't always the easiest when you're in a new town). I did get invited to a post-Tuesday night ride dinner, even though I don't yet have a road bike to participate in the ride (that's next up on my wish list!)

Liz was up in town to help with the move and I was able to take her kayaking on the chickamauga (forgot the camera!) and hiking on signal mtn. The cats are adjusting well, even though 2 large barn owls that live in the backyard make me nervous when Ollie & Lenny are exploring the yard.

This weekend is the Siege on Fort Yargo, the TrailBlazers' first sprint adventure race. I helped out with the design (great logo eh?!), but will race it with Ken & Norma (Team Blazing Saddles), so I don't know much about the course. With temps getting into the mid-90's, it'll be a rough day no matter what!

Now that I have internet hooked back up at home, I should hopefully catch up on some race reports, picture postings and such. Finally, life feels like it is getting in order!


Anonymous liz said...

hi sissy!! i had so much fun helping you get settled up there. hiking and paddling were great also! can't wait to come up againg for another visit!

5:54 PM  

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