Wednesday, March 1

update on the foot, race, and orlando

After 2 solid weeks of resting my foot, I went on a short run Monday evening down in Orlando. At first, the run felt fine. No heel pain! But as I went on, I noticed the stiffness under my ankle that I initially felt from lack of mobility in the aircast. It didn't seem to get worse; but it didn't quite feel right. I iced and rested that night. Tuesday I woke up before dawn to catch my flight home and noticed the not-right feeling immediately. Navigating thru 2 airports didn't help either. I called Jon to talk about the race... we decided that it just was not smart for me to try to do it - esp with many other spring races coming up soon, I can't risk the injury becoming worse and taking me out for a longer period of time. Sadly I withdrew from the team, with one of Jon's normal teammates Michelle (badass!) taking my place. I will still get to be part of the action running support with Di.

The visit to Orlando was great!
- picking up my nephew Evan at school and having him run right to me, giving me a big hug & saying Caffeeeee! This is the first time that he's really known me - a very cool feeling!
- spending time with my sis & bro-in-law and their sons (Evan is 2.5 years now and Ethan 7.5 months. They are both the cutest!)
- attending the wedding of one of my best friends, jenise. the ceremony was simple and beautiful and the reception that followed a huge celebration. her and dave will have a long happy life together!
- seeing a bald eagle chowing down on a fish by the pond in front of my sister's neighborhood. I had just finished my run and did a double take... he was only about 10yards from me.
- seeing a shooting star on the way to the airport yesterday morning. or was it something else? it was huge - not one of the little ones that fly across the sky. it was like right there. way cool.

- figuring out my foot is not yet ready to train. or race
- bringing back a cold from my nephews
- knowing it's going to be too many months before I can see everyone again!


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